ORDINARILY - SONG FOR #UKRAINE - By Joshua Tan, Singer/Songwriter

ORDINARILY - SONG FOR #UKRAINE - By Joshua Tan, Singer/Songwriter

When the invasion of Ukraine broke out, many people doubted the togetherness of the Ukrainian people to hold out. Some giving the country just a few days before crumbling. But it was inspiring to see them pull together, from young to old - helping in so many ways from volunteer soldiers to making meals, transport, sewing camouflage, running essential infrastructure and services, this list goes on. It is out of this that the words of this song was inspired. Indeed we are all humbled and inspired, and it makes us think, “what would we do in their shoes”? And also, “they are standing up for our way of life too…”.

Those of us in liberal democracies know that they are putting their lives on the line for our way of governance, having struggled about this for over a hundred years - yes, this did not happen overnight. From its first war of independence from Russia 1917-1921, to the struggles against Russification thereafter, the Ukrainian Genocide (The Holodomor) by Stalin 1932-33 where over 4mil died by starvation, its second declaration of independence 1991, Euromaidan 2014 - the overwhelming weight of history shows that Ukrainians are a people who have struggled for more than 100 years from Russia’s influence. To reduce this narrative to just a power struggle between east and west is a denial of a wider history of self-determination which we have to acknowlege.

I hope that this song can serve to honour their heart and sacrifice, which speaks to all humanity’s need for self-determination. I hope that all great powers can take heed to this - western and eastern - that with their great power, it is to uphold everyone’s self-determination, and not to make vassals or puppets to their own interests or insecurities.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

If you find this song meaningful, pls help me share it on, especially to friends in #UKRAINE and #EUROPE.

#ORDINARILY is song #1 of 5 in my upcoming EP titled The Experts. So please subscribe to my youtube channel and facebook page (Joshua Tan - Singer/Songwriter) as I'm just starting out and need your support!

Thanks for listening, and blessings,
Joshua Tan

PS: I also hope to sing a Ukrainian version of this if someone could translate!

#Ukraine, #StandUpForUkraine, #StandWithUkraine, #Europe


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