A cozy dugout in a wild forest. Thunderstorm. Made a chair from a log. Part 33.

A cozy dugout in a wild forest. Thunderstorm. Made a chair from a log. Part 33.

#bushcraft #dugout #buildingadugout

Hello everyone from Russia!
I love hiking in the forest, so I decided to build my own camp in the forest. Where can I rest from the bustle of the city.
I have no experience in construction, but I have a great desire and love for nature.

My name is Aleksey and I again went to the forest to my dugout with my dog ​​named Pyosel. Last time I left the lid of the washbasin open so that rainwater could collect there, apparently one of the birds sat on the washbasin to drink water and knocked it over. It is very hot outside, about +30 degrees Celsius, and the air is also very humid. Inside the dugout is much cooler, the temperature inside is +19 degrees Celsius. I noticed that due to the high humidity, condensation appeared inside the dugout, this is not very good, if the room is not dried, mold may appear. Next time I'll be sure to light the stove in the dugout to make sure it dries properly. I took the LED lamps from the dugout home, today I will return them to the dugout. I don't take off my suit, it protects me from ticks and other dangerous insects. A pine fell not far from my camp, I sawed out a chair with a back from the tree trunk, and to make this chair lighter, I cut a triangle in it. Then I lit my outdoor oven to heat it up and cook food in it. A few weeks ago I brought boards into the dugout to remake the stairs. Today I won't have time to take steps, but I can prepare them for further work. Today I will cook pork and beef sausages in the oven. Suddenly thunder rumbled, my dog ​​barked at him and whined so that the dog would not run away from fear, I tied a leash to it. We entered the dugout to wait for the end of the storm. After the storm subsided, I completed the stairs. The sausages were ready by that time, I dug out the oven and began to have supper. The day has come to an end. Thank you for being with me on this day.

Happy viewing!

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Outdoor Life and Craftbushcraft campingdugout in the wild forest

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