The Brethren of Purity or "Ikhwan as Safa" were a 10th Century Medieval philosophical-religious cult based in the lush riverside city of Basra. Inspired by the ideas of the earlier Greek Philosopher's cult - the Pythagoreans - these mysterious mystics sought to merge religion and mathematics to define the world around them in numerical terms.
Conglomerating their ideas in their seminal "Epistles of the Brethren of Purity", the Ikhwan as Safa would greatly influence later Medieval philosophers with their ideas surrounding the divinity of the philosophical method, and their esoteric interpretations of scripture.
Introduction - 00:00
The Brethren of Purity - 02:23
Historical Context - 03:39
The Epistles of the Brethren of Purity -05:07
The Beauty of Philosophy - 08:10
Conclusion - 09:37
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By Oasis/Oases of Wisdom.