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#Spiderman #AcrossTheSpiderverse #Trailer #TrailerBreakdown #EasterEggs #ThingsYouMissed #NoWayHome #MilesMorales #Sony #SpidermanAcrossTheSpiderverse #BeyondTheSpiderverse #Reaction #Review #NewLook #Teaser
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Ok so the new trailer for Spider-man Across The Spider-verse has just dropped and in this video we're gonna be breaking down the new characters, easter eggs, hidden details and also giving our reaction to the new look. We also know a lot more about the movie than we did when we covered the first look back in December last year.
Now Into the Spider-verse ended with Miles on his bed looking up and at this point Gwen opened a portal above him.
The first look had him slightly older and they've actually added in some extra clothes here to show that it isn't exactly the same moment that we last ended on. Therefore Gwen might have visited him from time to time.
Now the first movie had the multiversal travel effecting those that had moved across and because of this they started to glitch out. However the post credits scene showed that Spider-man 2099 had developed a device that allowed one to stabilise in another universe. Known as Miguel O'Hara I think he's gonna be the driving force of this film that pulls all the characters together from across the Spider-verse. If you look closely at Gwens wrist you can see that she's wearing something on it which will likely stop her glitching out and this is something we see in the other spider-men throughout the teaser.
In the first look we learn that Miles had been grounded but as Spider-man hadn't and this was coupled with him travelling through the multiverse himself into alternate realities. The first one we had confirmed in that first look was Spider-man India who appeared in the Spider-verse storyline in the comics that this movie is potentially based on.
That should be you fully on to speed on the first look and if you enjoy the video then please hit the thumbs up button and don't forget to subscribe for videos like this every day. With that out the way, huge thank you for clicking this, now let's get into the Across The Spider-Verse Trailer.
Now we start off with the Sony logo before transitioning into the COlumbia one. If you slow the trailker down to 0.25 x speed you can see this change to an animation style similar to the old archie comics. From here we join Miles mother talking to him on a rooftop as he looks over the city similar to shots from Into The Spider-verse.