Of Offences Relating to Religion धर्म से सम्बंधित अपराधो के विषय में dharam se samandhit apradh Education of Law India's most admired Law education platform aiming to spread legal awareness worldwide.
Over millions of students have taken legal guidance and assistance especially in the field of Judicial Services Examination.
We will give you knowledge regarding law, which will cover all aspect of law so that people can get benefit.it will also help you to qualified entrance exam of law or CLAT as well as it will help for those who is preparing for LLB, LL.M,APO or PCS-J.
Education Of Law is an initiative in online legal education, India's largest and most reputed online legal education company. An online legal education platform, Education Of Law is focused towards creating access to justice in India.It was launched as there is a strong need to create resources for practical legal education as the textbook learning that happens in law schools are far removed from the realities and needs of the industry