#Tarot Card Reader in India #Hindi Tarot Reading #Indian Tarot Reader #Best Tarot Card Reader
Welcome To Mindful Journey,
I am Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma M. Sc. (Biology), NET (Life Science), SET (Life Science), Ph.D. (Bryology). I am a former academician now a Certified Tarot Reader, Vastu Consultant & Spiritual Healer and Tarot Expert at HNN 24X7 News Channel at Saubhagyam.
Book An Akashik Record Reading with me to know all about your past, present & Future, Know How Your "Past Life Energies" are affecting your present life, What are your blockages and how to heal them and live a blissful life. Don't miss this life time chance to get in touch with my spiritual guides. What's App @ +91-7424830300 for advance booking.
Also procure my activated crystal and aroma products, Spiritual Healing Courses, Planner and Other Products.
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➤Mindful Life Dr Gunjan Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MindfulLifeDrGunjan ➤Mindful Choices Dr. Gunjan Channel:- https://www.youtube.com/c/MindfulChoicesDrGunjan
➤Great Life! Great Ideas!:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClD2VaEZSOF7oCvh3aSONcQ
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Legal Disclaimer:- ALL readings and questions answered should at no time be used for legal, medical, or financial purposes/ issues. The guidance given in my tarot card readings on the relationship, career, or any other issues is subject to your own interpretation and judgment. I take no responsibility for your decisions and actions. You are solely responsible for your own choices and life, I simply try to provide positive guidance for your life situations based on my intellect. All decisions and choices are your sole responsibility and my tarot card readings accept no liability for any actions taken by anyone based on public or personal information given on this channel, or in private readings. My readings are for entertainment purposes only. Our products/services do not claim to treat any problem or illness. We do not give a warranty, guarantee or prediction regarding the outcome of any specific product/service. While all our products/services are sold and advertised in good faith, results and outcomes do vary and cannot be guaranteed. Mindful Journey accepts no responsibility or liability for the effectiveness of the products/services sold herein.
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