What are the Key Internal Shifts you Need to Quiet Inner Critic?

What are the Key Internal Shifts you Need to Quiet Inner Critic?

Inner critic, inner judge, or negative self-talk. It's that voice inside your head that says you're not good enough. And it can be the hardest and most persistent thing to quiet down.

So how do you stop binge eating? One way is by making sure your inner critic shifts to a different positive voice!

This positive voice is the key internal shift you need to make to stop binge eating.

Not hearing the positive and only hearing the negative voice, this is your core problem of binge eating and why you can't stop.

What does this shift look like? Do you have to do it a certain way? In this video I try to answer these tough questions...

So in this video I share the key internal shifts you need to make yourself feel worthy of love and belonging so you can get rid of binge eating for good!

Whenever you’re ready, here are some more ways I can help:

Download Eating Enlightenment Food Journaling App!

This Food Mood Journal is based on CBT science and you can download here:

Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jared.enlightenment_journal

IOS - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/eating-enlightenment-journal/id1556752454#?platform=iphone

Take The 1-2 Minute Binge Eating Quiz

This quick quiz will test you on the medical criteria for Binge Eating Disorder. You’ll be given free resources and training along the way.

Take the quiz - https://www.eatingenlightenment.com/1-min-binge-eating-quiz-intro-website/

Want To Learn How To Journal To Stop Binge Eating?

Watch this 13 minute tutorial, with real, anonymous, client journal entries at the end of the video!


Watch The Eating Enlightenment Podcast Playlist

I have recorded over 50 video interviews with leading health experts, Intuitive Eating counselors, and stories of recovery.

You can WATCH in this playlist here:


Check Out The Eating Enlightenment Website Here:


Book a Free Clarity Call With Me Here:


body positivitybinge eatingintuitive eating

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