Here's a real-world Ethereum mining profitability update after EIP-1559 was hard forked into ETH. Ethereum mining is drastically changed for GPU miners and ASIC miners, but how bad is ETH mining now?? Subscribe to VoskCoin - http://voskco.in/Sub
Learn more about KAVA HARD and Kava Swap - https://voskco.in/kavaswap
Get up to $250 for free w/ BlockFi - https://voskco.in/blockfi
Compass sells ASIC mining rigs - https://voskco.in/compass
Review the BEST Helium hotspot miners - https://medium.com/voskcoin/what-is-the-best-helium-hotspot-miner-to-buy-e26f3f4a0c37
Bobcat Miner 300 is the BEST mining rig to buy! https://voskco.in/HNTb
EIP-1559 and the Ethereum London hard fork were obviously contentious and a lot of drama ensued for all parties involved but who cares at this point the Ethereum developers pushed it through so let's review the updated Ethereum mining profitability. Ethereum is GPU mineable and ASIC mineable which makes it the only major cryptocurrency ever to have mining profitability with graphics cards and custom mining rigs called ASIC miners. Ethereum mining profitability has been significantly reduced, and ETH gas fees aren't even cheaper lol.. Let's get lost in the ETHER!
Review how much Ethereum is being burned - https://voskco.in/burnETH
⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 EIP-1559 reduced Ethereum mining profits?
01:52 Tracking how much Ethereum EIP-1559 is burning
03:05 How does EIP-1559 change Ethereum gas fees?
05:31 Miners responses to EIP-1559 & burning ETH
07:47 Kava crypto review
10:24 EIP-1559 breakdown
13:08 Ethereum mining profits after EIP-1559
15:32 How I earn interest on my Ethereum ez staking
16:20 Will EIP-1559 change Ethereum mining going forward?
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