I really enjoy doing cross generation compare vids and this one was great fun to make. I took 20 games that appeared on both the Master System and Genesis and compared them. How did the 8-bit hardware do?
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Opening "Sega" jingle is from Astal for the Sega Saturn.
Ending Music during the credits is from Batman for the Sega Genesis.
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By: Jan Neves
YouTube Page - https://www.youtube.com/user/Jan3d
Intro by Evan S.
Episode Notes:
1. Captured on the Mega SG.
2. I had an old series called Genesis Era Master System Games, but here I wanted to compare them directly so you could see them side by side the entire way.
3. Part 2 may include just 10 games so I can show each one longer.
4. Many of these games are still very affordable and play just fine on an American SMS.
5. I actually made this episode well over a year ago. I just needed to finish up the little details.
6. Big thanks to Evan for the new intro. His website link is above if you want more information about him!