Hi everyone! For today's video, I was my own model! I actually love self induced asmr videos, I watch a lot of videos where people trace their faces so I want to do one of those as well, but for now I really wanted to focus on the palm mostly. I've been wanting to learn more about palm reading, not so much because I believe in it's predictive power but more because getting my palm read seems very relaxing! So in this video I explore a bit of beginner's palmistry courtesy of wikihow! Let me know if you want me to palmistry on others and do some more research in this regard. This video is also all whispered because I know that is preferred by some!
Also, I didn't pronounce it correctly, but I was trying to talk about the cortical homunculus in the beginning -- look it up if you dare!
If you want to help me out, I would love if you subscribed, liked, and/or commented! Goodnight everyone!
Here is the QueenofSerene video I referenced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3xEv2cv7QY
Here is the Massage ASMR video I referenced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDECM9tOPyY
Here is the Scarlett ASMR video I referenced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NX_6b0-dVs&ab_channel=ScarlettASMR
I didn't mention this video, but this is another asmr video that inspired me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR-nZn1VYeI (oh how I miss Diana!)
P.S. If you want to support me outside of my asmr videos, I also run a small Etsy shop where I sell some of my art and handmade goods: https://www.etsy.com/shop/HypatiaArtandAlchemy