The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 10 A Pleasing Personality
Hi this is Dr Rick Goodman leadership expert and the author of the book The Solutions Oriented Leader with the tenth lesson of the laws of success the Alex project A Pleasing Personality
The tenth lesson OF Law of Success discusses the importance of having a “pleasing personality”. It is defined as a personality that attracts, and proceeds to explore the causes of this attraction.
One of the most crucial ways to initiate this attraction is by taking a genuine interest in other people. This is not arguing that for an average salesman, cheap flattery will serve as this genuine interest. Rather, by forming a relationship with a potential customer prior to the sale, the attraction is initiated and results in a more comfortable environment for both the salesman and his possible customer.
The importance of character is also vital, and there are things you can do that will result in your character being built up. Imagine those people who have the type of character you wish to possess, and then proceed to take on those qualities through self-suggestion.
Create in your imagination a meeting with them, and then write out a detailed statement of the qualities you wish to assume from them.
It is important to note that it is vital to the process that you see these figures seated around an imaginary table. Then, keep your thoughts focused in a positive manner as you listen to their advice and guidance, while keeping in mind the kind of person you would like to be.
Also, make it a point to never forget to give praise to the genuine good qualities you see in others. Hill promises that this will bring the law of attraction into play almost magically. Dr. Rick Goodman is an author, motivational keynote speaker, executive leadership consultant and was recently ranked #28 in the Top 30 Global Guru’s for 2021 in Leadership. Dr Rick Goodman best keynote speaker Florida.
His keynote presentations and workshops have produced transformational results leading to highly engaged employees, increased productivity, and HIGHER PROFITS.
Dr. Rick has delivered over 1,000 presentations in all 50 states and in 26 countries. He is a “Certified Speaking Professional” (CSP), which is the speaker profession’s international measure of speaking experience and skill. Fewer than one percent of all professional speakers worldwide hold this designation.
In addition to his 30-year speaking career, Dr. Rick is the author of three books: His first book titled “Living A Championship Life - A Game Plan for Success” combined his success philosophy with stories compiled during his tenure as one of the team physicians for the Super Bowl Champion St. Louis Rams.
His quest to solve our world’s newest challenge, communicating with our children in the age of social media and cell phones led to the book “Jamie’s Journey - Travels with My Dad” written by his then 16-year-old daughter. Dr. Rick’s latest book “The Solutions Oriented Leader - Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve World-Class Results” was #1 on Amazon Kindle when it was released.
Dr. Rick is also a successful entrepreneur who walks his talk and shares his winning philosophies with his audiences. He has built several extremely successful multimillion-dollar businesses and uses those experiences to provide solutions for his clients and audiences throughout the world.
The Solutions-Oriented Leader: Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve World Class Results being published by sound wisdom books.. Dr. Rick’s writing style integrates transformational leadership stories with innovative solutions to real-world challenges.
The Solutions Oriented Leader™ Book Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve Success
It’s time to be part of the “Solution Revolution” and join the thousands of leaders and companies throughout the world who are becoming solution oriented leaders. It’s all based on the lessons in this step-by-step guide developed by author, keynote speaker, and international leadership expert Dr. Rick Goodman.
In this first-of-a-kind, comprehensive guide, author Dr. Rick Goodman leads you through the everyday challenges of the modern workplace while providing you with easy-to-implement solutions to achieve world-class results! The Solutions Oriented Leader™ shows you how to:
Implement transformational leadership tools to help you achieve balance in business and your life Utilize communication systems that increase employee engagement and workflow Develop a positive attitude that motivates your team and increases retention
Handle conflict and manage workplace burnout Now you can be in control of your destiny—giving yourself permission to be successful! You can become a leader who inspires others for a lifetime.
To Book Dr. Rick call 888-267-6098 or email info@rickgodman.com or visit https://www.rickgoodman.com
Keynote Speaker Dr Rick Goodman