We Are What We Repeatedly Do - Jester's League

We Are What We Repeatedly Do - Jester's League

Between deadlines and new plans, our thoughts, our aspirations have been brilliantly guillotined. Between lazy noons and exhausted nights, we’ve been ridden of our awareness and faith in our own sight. We’ve repeatedly woken up each day and slept each night, with the state of our ignorance untouched by the morning bulletin or a neighbour’s cry for help.
We’ve repeatedly shut the television when the opinion did not fly, or the news did not stimulate, we’ve shut friends when they had nothing great to say.
We’ve successfully repeated our patterns of ignorance.

And aren’t we what we repeatedly do?


It started with a star
Hiding a sky within its realm
Have you ever thought,
why one wonders?

All the life that we know is here
right In front of our eyes
In all the blinding but binding light

How did life suffice?
Without the truth in our eyes?
How can we be so blind?
When life seems so sublime
Why's the self all in your mind?

Will it end with a war?
In front of our eyes?
In a matter of days?
Or a matter of lives?
So many lives
Will be ash in the sky
In the same sky that was given
By a dying star, so naive.

Jester’s League:

Producer - Mohanish Deshmukh
Flute & Vocals - Alia Fay
Bass - Neil Fernandes
Co-Writer - Zitin Bhan

Director of Photography - Sumit Saha
Costumes - Zainab Shaikh
Actor - Amit Kalokhe

AudioHack Studios
Twoo Twisted Production

justice leagueprogressive musiccrazy video

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