Capricorn Your Person fears they may have lost you! They will contact you for a heart to heart talk!

Capricorn Your Person fears they may have lost you! They will contact you for a heart to heart talk!

September 2021 Love Tarot Reading
#Capricorn #Lovetarot #Lovereading

Capricorn September 2021 Love Tarot Reading #Capricorn #Singleslovereading
#Love #Tarot #LoveReading #SinglesLoveTarotReading
Welcome to Tell Me True 777 my new YouTube tarot channel where my free monthly love tarot readings will be posted for each astrological sign. For a more complete picture, be sure to view my videos for your sun, moon, rising, and Venus placements.

To schedule a reading or purchase my Love Oracle deck, please visit my website or Etsy store.

Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram.

Etsy Store:

Remember, we all have free will and can change our circumstances through action and intention. Be well.

capricorncapricorn readingcapricorn tarot reading

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