Cyber Ninjas - the company conducting the Arizona ballot audit - decided that it would be a better use of their time to attend a party this past week with Republicans rather than actually finishing their work. The group appeared at a large gathering with no masks in sight, in spite of the fact that they delayed the results because they allegedly had COVID. This whole thing looks more ridiculous every day, as Farron Cousins explains.
Link - https://www.vice.com/en/article/wx53k9/cyber-ninjas-trying-to-steal-arizona-for-trump-reunion
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Cyber ninjas, the company conducting the Arizona ballot audit farce has still not turned in their final report. That was technically due over three weeks ago now, but don't worry folks they're making good use of their time. Cause you see last Wednesday, you know, when they, they should have been working on the ballot audit now instead they decided to throw a party with Republicans in the state of Arizona, where they all crammed into a restaurant, not a Maskin site, you know, dozens and dozens and dozens of individuals for what they call to a reunion and audit reunion with some of the people that have worked with them over the last five months, supposedly helping with this ballot audit, but they decided, you know what? We all need a break who cares if we're three weeks past due on delivering our final report, who cares that all of our communications have to be turned over to reporters under state records law because Republicans keep losing those court cases nod.
None of that matters. Let's grab a drink, let's get some wings, whatever it is. And let's fricking party our brains out because none of this matters. That's essentially what happened last week from vice vice news, posted pictures of this party. And you can, you can find them all on the link in the description of this video, but yeah, the place is packed out and yes, you've got the Republicans who are responsible for this whole thing there. You've got the cyber ninjas there. You've got everybody involved in this audit, throwing a frigging party instead of doing their work again, we're over three weeks past due on this final report. And it's even more ironic considering the fact that the reason they had originally told us we can't give you the ballot audit is because, oh whoops. A lot of us got COVID. So what better way to celebrate then a couple of weeks later showing up mask lists at a packed bar.
Yeah. Yeah. That's super smart. Can't wait to see what the next excuse is going to be like. Oh no, the rest of us got COVID. You're going to have to give us another month. Keep paying us by the way, but we're just not going to ever finish this stupid thing. Now reports suggest that a final report might actually becoming this coming week. So keep your eyes peeled for that. I know we're all sitting on pins and needles to wait and see what they're going to release, but could this thing be any dumber like for real, could any of this get any stupider than it already is? I don't think so, but I've thought that before with this ballot audit, I thought it months ago with the ballot on it yet at every possible turn imaginable, it just gets dumber. I mean, this really is a good story
To show you where today's Republican party is at, right? You pay this group couple million dollars to do a job that you know, doesn't need to be done. And then instead of them doing it, you go out and you party with them. Th this, this is nuts. Okay. I can't be the only one who thinks this is nuts because this is making me feel like I'm losing my mind, having to talk about how stupid everything is with this Arizona ballot audit. And of course the Republicans are eventually going to pay a price. The voters in the state are not happy with this audit. They're not happy that it's dragged on for over five months. Now. They're not going to be happy. Seeing all the pictures of cyber ninjas, partying with the Republicans instead of doing their work, none of this is going to sit well with the voters and hopefully they take it out on these Republicans. The next time they're up for reelection and they should, the Democrats in the state need to be running these pictures in every single ad they have, they need to start the ads. Now doesn't even have to target a specific Republican go after all of them, because this is what they stand for. Paying a group millions of dollars to literally not do a job, but basically just become your drinking buddies.