Discord, we need to talk about some issues on your platform. There are a few things which have annoyed both me, and others in recent months - and hopefully you can fix them. In this video, I will be talking about these three specific things - in hopes that Discord sees this YouTube video and replies to these questions on behalf of my viewers, and the Discord Reddit Community.
Firstly, Discord released Membership Screening last year as a feature to help Discord Mods / Discord Moderators combat accounts aiming to cause disruption on Discord Servers. When this was released, there were other options said to be coming soon including multiple choice, connections (such as Twitch, Twitter, YouTube and Spotify connections), short answer and long paragraph requirements. We are here over 9 months later, and we still have not got these features. Will Discord ever release them or will they sit as a mini Discord Easter Egg for people to wonder and wish to eventually come soon? Secondly, Discord has made some weird changes to their user interface (UI) over the past few months with people accidentally triggering Discord Calls with their friends on both the Mobile (Android, not iOS) application and also desktop application due to the placement of buttons and the shifting of the application when clicking on pinned messages. This has resulted in people ringing their friends, and triggering the Discord Call Sound on their friends side. Discord… why? And finally, Discord Badges have been having a weird experience for some users in recent months where the Discord Certified Moderator badge is seen to be much larger than the other badges (such as Discord Early Supporter and Discord Nitro badges) making it look weird. Alongside this, there are grammatical errors in some of the badges with lower case letters for some second words such as HypeSquad events but uppercase for others such as Discord Partnered Server Owner - it is very small but is annoying! So hopefully, Discord can fix this and we won’t have these issues as much anymore. This is supposed to be more of a Discord Meme video, and I’m trying to be funny and lighthearted so please do not take offence to this (if you are a Discord Staff member).
In the background, I am on Hypixel which is the biggest Minecraft Server in the world. I am on 1.8.9 with Badlion Client and Optifine. I PvP against my friend on Hypixel Bridge Duels and managed to secure a victory. My texture pack in the Panda Pack by Notrodan.
➜ Recent Videos (Worth a watch, as very relevant currently)
Discord Accounts Getting Hacked - https://youtu.be/2PVt0hjx2Vo
Rare Discord Call Sound - https://youtu.be/pw0fwZyG0Ac
Groovy Shutting Down - https://youtu.be/KQF-zL8VXmY
➜ Discord Server to Join (Free Discord Nitro Giveaways)
✯ Technology Specs ✯
Computer: Apple iMac
Microphone: Shure SM7B