Preferred Power Tubes? | YouTuber Burn Out | Sticky Neck Remedy! (Q&A Live!)

Preferred Power Tubes?  | YouTuber Burn Out | Sticky Neck Remedy! (Q&A Live!)

Timestamps are on the way!
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0:00 - Skip this bit
0:19 - Start & Shoutouts
1:11 - How many pedals do I own?
2:40 - Fender champ vs Katana
5:10 - Kalamazoo Mi
5:52 - Multi-effects vs Pedals (Nux Link below)
►NUX Cerberus - (Thomann)
7:50 - D'Angelico Guitars
9:05 - Pedal Addiction is Real
10:02 - Preferred Power Tube (6L6/6V6/EL84/EL34)?
11:47 - Fender Highway One Guitars (link below)
►Fender Hot Noiseless Pickups - (Thomann)
13:51 - Fender Pro Reverb Brightness (link below)
►Fender Pro Reverb - (Thomann)
15:25 - PRS Lefty Guitars Range
16:40 - Traditionalists & Guitar
20:05 - Sticky Neck Remedy
20:55 - MLA Pedals Peacock Overdrive
23:07 - Southpaw Guitars
24:20 - Thoughts on Charvel Guitars (link below)
►Charvel - (Sweetwater)
28:05 - Guitar Brands I Review and Why
30:28 - How hard is it to get lefties for review?
33:29 - Where did "intheblues" come from
35:15 - Fender made in Japan guitars
36:20 - Budget Guitar Reviews
37:20 - YouTube Algorithm Explained
38:40 - Strandberg Guitars
40:55 - YouTuber Burn Out?
46:25 - 1.5x playback speed
47:20 - Gibson QC 2021
48:30 - Marshall & Full Holly Body Guitars
49:20 - Fender 68 Deluxe or Mesa California Tweed (link)
►Mesa California Tweed - (Sweetwater)
53:29 - Which Music Genres do I jam to (outside of blues music)
54:45 - My Wall Posters (info)
56:48 - Coated Strings Suck
58:50 - Friedman BE-OD pedal
1:01:05 - Vox Pedals
1:03:30 - Best Budget Pedal Brands
1:09:42 - Kiesel Guitar: It's like the best of a PRS & Fender
1:10:30 - Tommy Castro @Tommy Castro
1:11:40 - Clapton's new Song
1:13:59 - Boss Effects Coming up
1:19:10 - How to buy a pedal
1:20:00 - Channel Memberships (thank you)

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#guitar #guitarist #effectspedals

inthebluesFender japanGibson

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