The characters in The Vampire Diaries are memorable because of their unique personalities. Audience members relate to some more than others, and it's part of the reason why the show inspires so many strong opinions. No two people are alike, which is true in fiction and reality.l
With eight seasons worth of episodes, devoted fans know the cast of The Vampire Diaries inside and out. There are plenty of ways to distinguish the main characters, but each one has a specific quote that perfectly epitomizes their role in the series.
Related videos:
Celebrities who had a crush on Nina Dobrev: https://youtu.be/NcTQDOyASPU
Paul Wesley quotes: https://youtube.com/shorts/cK0MZXaEdAk?feature=share
Ian Somerhalder quotes: https://youtube.com/shorts/FfOuPEdNrsE?feature=share
Nina Dobrev quotes: https://youtube.com/shorts/5X2sP3NgJSI?feature=share
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