Bridging the Generational Gap An Understanding for All Ages

Bridging the Generational Gap An Understanding for All Ages


On this show...we aren’t trying to get hip, don’t trip, throw shade, or be woke - we are simply trying to bridge the generational gap and understand all the ages. Do you feel like you’re stuck in a time warp not understanding what the “kids” today are saying, meaning, or even thinking? Maybe you’re on the other end with mind-blowing comments like we used to walk everywhere we went or gas used to cost 25 cents a gallon. Better yet you’re trapped in the middle being the interpreter of multiple generations wondering where you fit it. Understanding is key to getting you out of the rut and over the hump but where do you start? You start by not limiting your understanding to what is comfortable and makes perfect sense to you. You stretch your mind by being open and willing to explore other ideas. 
No matter what generation you’re in, there is space to grow and learn. We kid about being stuck in a time warp but think about it, what if you really were? Pick an era you felt had it all. Quality of life, values, morals and easier way to go - whatever you feel gave it the advantage. Now, transport that person HERE, to this place and time. Imagine what it would feel like to be lost trying to navigate the modern conveniences of today. Technology, transportation, communication, you name it. 
I have always been one to embrace new technology. Not an early adopter per se but my jobs have always made it necessary to be tech-savvy AND I’m naturally curious and not afraid of messing something up.  Because of that, I’ve kept up pretty well. To give you some context, I believe computers were introduced during my senior year in high school and my first experience with the internet was data by the hour. I was before email or cell phones.
When cell phones were available they were car phones and I wasn’t about to get a car phone until I had a nice car to put it in which meant it was much later when I actually got my first phone. When text messaging became available I thought it was the silliest thing - kind of like when you could write shell or hello on a calculator.
Can you think of a gap you’ve had or witnessed? How have you been able to find a bridge? enlightens us with: GENERATION WHO? UNDERSTANDING THE TRENDS OF EACH GEN
Patrick Buggy helps us explore this idea with his article, Non-Judgment: What is it? And Why Does it Matter? (4 Benefits) found at
Susan Adcox informs us with What Research Says About the Generation Gap
Generational Differences and Their Causes found at
The Edu4Sure Team gives us 7 Ways To Bridge The Generation Gap found at
KEY HIGHLIGHTS: Bridging the Generational Gap An Understanding for All Ages
Be willing to stretch your mind by being open and willing to explore other ideas
It’s easy to pick judgment over understanding and acceptance.
Everything that we experience is filtered, categorized, and dealt with in some automatic way
Sometimes, these judgments are helpful. They can lead you to understand the things that bring you up, give you energy, and fill you with purpose. 
Mindfulness presents an alternative to this vicious cycle in the form of non-judgment.
Setting down the judging mind, even for a short while, is a refreshing weight off of your shoulders.
To practice mindfulness is to make direct contact with the experience you’re having. Getting in touch with the actual experience itself is a freeing and peaceful state.
Today, although more Americans see generational differences, most do not see them as divisive. 
According to the Pew study, all generations regard older Americans as superior in moral values, work ethic, and respect for others.
 Connect, listen, understand, and encourage
CHALLENGE: to work together. Most conflict comes from a lack of understanding and why don’t we understand? Because we aren’t open to other ideas that conflict with our own and we aren’t listening.  Today, be patient and look for more commonalities vs differences. 
I Know YOU Can Do It!


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