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This century-old technology used successfully in ships, is gaining traction as an eVTOL main and auxiliary propulsion system. It offers compactness, precise maneuverability, and a stable transition from hover to flight. In this video, I will explain the operating principle of the Cyclorotor and I will go over the pros and cons of the propulsion system that could be powering your future daily commute.
The historic failure of Cyclogyro prototypes can be attributed to one or more of 3 main weaknesses: unsuitable materials, heavy engines and power sources or insufficient knowledge of aerodynamic phenomena.
In recent years, converging technologies and improvements in lightweight materials, electric propulsion systems and batteries have reached a point where they have the potential to revolutionize air travel. The creation of new Cyclorotor systems that benefit from this technology advancements are allowing the development of new Cyclocopter aircraft around the world.
Cyclocopter technology combines the main benefits of rotorcraft and fixed-wing concepts. A CycloRotor has several wings rotating around a central rotation axis at a constant speed. These wings are connected to a freely rotating hub via conrods.
An eccentric position of the hub causes a periodic change of the pitch angle of attack of a wing during one revolution, thereby generating accelerated airflow and creating thrust.
In hover, the blades are actuated to a positive pitch (outward from the center of the rotor) on the upper half of their revolution and a negative pitch (inward towards the axis of rotation) over the lower half inducing a net upward aerodynamic force and opposite fluid downwash.
➡️ https://acstyria.com/en/partners/cyclotech-gmbh/
➡️ https://www.cyclotech.at/
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1_cVd1rlm2j2COdY9emJYQ
➡️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclorotor
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoVmejDsMrM
➡️ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308940213_D-Dalus_VTOL_-_efficiency_increase_in_forward_flight
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrMIso7yp9Fsw_bFnzQNwA
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoVmejDsMrM
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub563Yc3xls
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Contact me: evtol.innovation@gmail.com
#CycloCopter #CycloRotor #eVTOLinnovation