House Progressives Aren’t Taking ‘The Half Sandwich’ This Time

House Progressives Aren’t Taking ‘The Half Sandwich’ This Time

These isn't what normally happens. House progressives are standing firm on the reconciliation package. They're no longer taking half a sandwich or a quarter. They want much more than that. They want to make sure the child tax credit and climate change policies remain in the bill.

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Sam: What's happening in the house is fascinating it seems to me for multiple reasons. Because for the first time in my recollection progressives have basically said we're willing we're not taking the half sandwich or the quarter sandwich. I mean I remember to Harry Reid saying at one point like don't let you know take the half sandwich. Don't let the good be the enemy of the perfect. I think they basically said like you know what this is not good. And right we are going to let what you call good be the enemy of what we think is even less than perfect. And we're gonna be we will sink this. and at least nancy Pelosi believes him because they she won't bring it up for a vote. I mean or hasn't yet given me your sense of what happens next but what are also the implications of the progressives finally doing that. Ryan Grim: Well you're right Pelosi has to listen to them now. You had Josh Gottheimer on CNN yesterday saying that he was 1,000% certain that this bill would pass. That would go to the floor and it would pass. Which shows and in some ways you can't blame him. Because if nobody has ever lost money you know betting against progressives. and so but for the first time that he would have lost money if he could put it if he had put it down there. Part of it like you said is that they don't there are some good things in this bipartisan infrastructure bill but it's not obvious that on the whole, it's a good thing. When you factor in the way that it you know injects more money into the fossil fuel infrastructure. You know at the expense of clean energy. And so it progressives are able to justify voting it down in a way beyond just we wanted more. To be able to say actually this is bad. So if you want us to vote for something that is either neutral or maybe bad then you have to give us something good to pair with it. The slogan in the early days as you know no climate no bill or whatever. And so now and that but that and that's still the case that the climate provisions are mostly all in the reconciliation package. So they're saying if you want these bricks and mortars roads and bridges. You want all this money for your gas-guzzling buses. You have to also give us this climate money.
Sam: I don't feel like there was enough of that work although obviously, it was enough for them. But it didn't feel like there was a lot of like tilling of that ground over the past you know month or two…
Grim: Well I think that they were I think their thinking was if we can do this internally. Do this work internally. that's enough. Because we don't we also don't want to sour the public attitude toward this bill that we're ultimately going to pass and going to run and then go on run on it.
Sam: Okay I see yes. Because because because to pass let's say 400 I mean four trillion dollars worth of new spending over the course of 10 years. Just remind people of that. Is a good thing. You know for some of that is some of that stuff is gonna get good. On balance that 500 billion of new money over the course of 10 years may be insufficient in some areas not deployed in the way you want it to be. But there's still money in there that you could sort of like a couple in the bundle of all of it. Right and promote.

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