Interplay between GST, Technology and Department | Webinar | NITYA Tax Associates

Interplay between GST, Technology and Department | Webinar | NITYA Tax Associates

GST Network is the backbone of the whole GST structure providing IT infrastructure. In the 4 years of GST journey, many changes and new features have been introduced on the GST portal to make it robust, user friendly and glitch-free.

In parallel, the GST department has become hyper-active in demanding various re-conciliations from the taxpayer. The basis of demanding these re-conciliations is primarily the mismatches between numbers appearing on GST portal and books of accounts. A lot of these notices are time-sensitive which demand all the reconciliations to be readily available. The spurt of such notices has resulted in a re-look for the past period as well wherein no active re-conciliation is available.

Our Associate Director, Mr. Gaurav Narula and Senior Associate, Ms. Akanksha Gupta addressed this webinar and touched-upon following points:

• Reconciliations and Notices

• Role of Technology

• Way Forward

#GST #Reconciliations


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