Cy Twombly's Large, Swirling Fireworks

Cy Twombly's Large, Swirling Fireworks

Cy Twombly was a North American artist who spent much of his career in Italy. He was fascinated by the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. In his paintings he often referred to historical or mythological figures, or included fragments of classical poetry.

The three paintings in this series are named after Bacchus, the Roman God of wine and intoxication, known to the Greeks as Dionysus. They were made with a brush attached to the end of a pole, enabling Twombly to capture the energy of an unbroken movement across a large canvas. The brush was soaked in paint, which dripped down the canvas, its red colour evoking both wine and blood.

This is a short video introduction to a work on display at Tate Modern. For more information about the artist visit Cy Twombly's artist page on Tate's website:

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