LET THERE BE LIGHT: Stories of Hope and Humanity to Illuminate the Darkness - Kristallnacht 2021

LET THERE BE LIGHT: Stories of Hope and Humanity to Illuminate the Darkness - Kristallnacht 2021

"LET THERE BE LIGHT: Stories of Hope and Humanity to Illuminate the Darkness" is presented by International March of the Living and The Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University, in cooperation with USC Shoah Foundation and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.

83 years ago, beginning on November 9th, 1938 – The Night of Broken Glass, over 7000 Jewish owned stores and synagogues were ransacked – their glass shattered all over the streets of Germany and Austria, and scores of Jews were murdered, and over 30,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps.

During the most challenging of times, when evil and hatred seem to reign supreme, there have always been those whose light shines through the darkness, through their inspiring acts of courage and bravery. As we commemorate the events of Kristallnacht 1938, we honor the moral heroism and valor of those who resisted evil during the Holocaust and at other times of great mortal peril and danger to humanity.

Through our program, Let There Be Light, which features stories of humanity at its best during the darkest of times, we hope to inspire others to act courageously and bravely in the face of evil and injustice.

• Testimonies from survivors of Kristallnacht, from the USC Shoah Foundation
• Irwin Cotler, Canada’s Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Fighting anti-Semitism, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
• John J. Farmer Jr., Director of the Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University, former Attorney General of New Jersey
• Carl Wilkens, American Christian Missionary and former head of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency International in Rwanda
• Special presentation to Paul Miller, Founder of the Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University, by Natan Sharansky, Human Rights Activist, Chair of ISGAP and Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center
• Malcolm Hoenlein, Vice Chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
• Tali Nates, Founder and Director of the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre
• Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook, COO
• Jessica U. Meir PH.D., NASA Astronaut
• Mark Moskowitz and Jacque Altman, Second Generation
• Musical guest Ani Djirdjirian, Actress and Armenian activist; Cantor Aviva Rajsky
• Moderated by Richard D. Heideman, Distinguished Attorney, Author and Human Rights Activist

“Let There Be Light” is an ongoing project of the International March of the Living.

"The Holocaust is not just a Jewish issue it is a universal issue. We must learn from the past, so that a more tolerant and just society will evolve for the betterment of all humankind." - David Machlis Ph.D, Adelphi University and Vice Chairman of the International March of the Living

LEARN MORE AT https://www.motl.org/2021-kristallnacht-commemoration


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