Extraordinary Grasping Power Genius Kid | A. Jaisuthan

Extraordinary Grasping Power Genius Kid | A. Jaisuthan

A. Jaisuthan
Born on 04-12-2018 from Salem, Tamilnadu, India.
He is appreciated for his talent by Identifying and Reciting 20 leaders,25 Car logos, 25 social media sites,capitals of 50 countries,
All indian states and capitals, specialities of 40 towns in Tamilnadu,founders of more than 20 major companies,25 animals looking at the picture,10 birds,15 fruits,25 questions related to nationality,a to z ,Numbers are from 1 to 10,Tamil months,English months,Week days,Directions(Tamil) Panjaboothangal
(tamil)Taste (Arusuvaigal- tamil)7 Continents, Thirukural-1,Tamil urire eluthukkal,panjapandavargal (tamil),Solar system,Rainbow colors.As we Kalam's World Records appreciating his talent and honoring him in the stage of big applause and for his future stepping stone.
Achievement Dated 14-10-2021.
For more information contact :
+91 9884937383
+91 8939083132
+91 7845560147

Email: kalamsworldrecords@gmail.com
Website | http://www.kalamsworldrecords.com/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/kwr.kwr.129/
Youtube |https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Y5...
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/kalams_worl...
Twitter | https://twitter.com/K_B_O_R?s=01%E2%8......
Kalam’s World Records Started with the main aim of upbringing talents from every corner, Our Kalam’s world records got their first to publish in 2018. It documents the unique talent of individuals or groups from different countries and thereby setting a benchmark for the achievements in every field accomplishment.

To all the people out there with a talent to showcase the world and need a sense of achievement, kalam’s world records are here to motivate and help you achieve laurels.

In collaboration with various leading global brands and companies in the business, we create record-breaking campaigns to engage the audience with unforgettable moments of absolute happiness and amazement, that delivering the core result.


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