The day prior my season was over. I had been trolling in-between sheets of ice and then, as the wind died down, the lakes iced up and it was time to winterize my boat! As I woke up the next morning I was surprised to see that heavy winds must have stirred up overnight and broke most of the ice up! There were still large sheets of ice on the water, with the smaller lakes being officially closed, but there was not a window to get out ONE MORE TIME!
The weather was brutal. Air temps in the 20’s and water temps were hovering around 34-35 degrees but as I cast my jointed DepthRaider out I knew that THIS was my shot at putting the largest musky that swims my waters in the net! Just as I had my trolling line set I felt the telltale whack of a large musky striking my jointed DR. Letting the boat set the hook I could feel her shaking side-to-side and it was GAME ON! Check out this late-season episode to see the fight and for a full breakdown of what it took to get the job done late in the season!
For more information about the "natural perch" Jointed DepthRaider like the one used in this video please click this link to visit the Joe Bucher Outdoors website:
For more information on the all-new Recon 895T tiller boat please visit:
For more information on St. Croix’s Legend Tournament series of musky rods, including the LMC90HF “Big Nasty” used in this video, please follow this link:
For more information about Chas Martin's musky fishing guide services please visit www.muskymastery.com