KB Sir tells how to utilize symbols with the help of Mahavastu programming and what are the effects of these symbols in our life. Watch the video to know more.
#Mahavastu #Khushdeepbansal #howtoutilizesymbols
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About Channel:
In 2020, Khushdeep Bansal left his successful practice as India's foremost Vastu Advisor and is now devoted to sharing the Vedic perspective through his MahaGurukul initiative.
Watch him teach MahaVastu to get Vedic insights to live with more happiness and excellence.
In 1990, while pursuing engineering, he noticed that equipment in 6 labs placed in a similar direction was consistently problematic. His curiosity became his quest when he related performance versus the studying or sleeping directions of his hostel mates. 'This is Vastu Shastra', said a scientist after listening to his observations at a science conference.
His quest led him to explore the mystery of Vastu Shastra through a Gurukul lineage. There he studied Cosmology and Existence, and developed a Vedic Perspective through Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Meditation, Samkhya, Yoga, Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda and allied subjects.
With his practical Vedic approach in 28 years of practice and continuous research, he founded MahaVastu.