Hello everyone and thanks for tuning in to today's video. We're going to look at the weather for the next ten to fourteen days for this video. Day ten will take us to the twenty-ninth of November and we'll be able to extend out beyond that with the extended GFS and ECM ensembles (they run to around a couple of weeks) - We'll have a look at CFS v2 for the next four weeks to the middle of December at the end of the video.
The weather will remain mild and dry for one more dat but looking ahead to the weekend and next week the weather will become colder with winds turning into the north. Initially the temperature will become cooler to colder but if we pull in a second northerly shot later next week the weather might turn very cold and wintry before months end... Still looking colder and wintry for late November with the risk of a little snow perhaps?
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💡 Video Credits: 💡
CET: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/cet_info_mean.html
WX Maps: http://www.wxmaps.org/
Earthnullschool: https://earth.nullschool.net/
W-Z: http://www.wetterzentrale.de
TWO: https://www.theweatheroutlook.com/twodata/gfs.aspx?run=06&charthour=3&chartname=preciptype&chartregion=uk&charttag=Precip%20type
Tameteo: https://www.tameteo.com/
CFS Weeklies: https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/people/mchen/CFSv2FCST/weekly/
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Ten Day Forecast: A Little Snow For The End Of November Perhaps?
#GavsWeatherVids #WetAndWindy #Autumn2021