Freddie Sayers meets Konstantin Kisin.
Listen to the podcast version here: https://shows.acast.com/lockdowntv-with-freddie-sayers/konstantin-kisin-who-should-we-trust-on-ukraine
Following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, pundits from mainstream and alternative media platforms across the political spectrum have been left eating humble pie. Predictions of Russia’s next move as troops built up on the border have ranged from blaming hawkish Americans for hyping up a non-existent threat, to claims that Putin was using the standoff to make himself an international talking point. Now that it is clear that Putin is done with talking and intends to take action, we are left wondering: who can we trust on Ukraine? To puzzle out this question, Freddie Sayers sat down for an emergency episode with Konstantin Kisin, host of the Triggernometry podcast and YouTube channel.
// Timecodes //
00:00 - 00:37 - Introduction
00:37 - 02:51 - Has alternate media got the Russia-Ukraine war wrong?
02:51 - 05:38 - Were Western governments and intelligence agencies right all along?
05:38 - 06:29 - Will Konstantin Kisin have to battle with his audience?
06:29 - 10:48 - Konstantin explains the Russia-Ukraine war
10:48 - 13:49 - Is the NATO expansion argument legitimate?
13:49 - 17:36 - Should the West put boots on the ground in Ukraine?
17:36 - 20:33 - Is the West willing to risk anything to defend its values?
20:33 - 22:17 - What would the line be to send soldiers into Ukraine?
22:17 - 26:08 - Should we be preparing for Ukrainian refugees?
26:08 - 29:39 - Can we blame the crisis on weak Western leaders?
29:39 - 31:10 - Is Konstantin Kisin optimistic about the situation?
31:10 - 31:54 - Final thoughts
#Ukraine #Russia #KonstantinKisin