This is the fastest way an average player can get better at Warzone today. By implementing solo squads regularly, I have increased my average kills by over 100%.
Everyday, we aim train, work on movement, but how do we work on the last pillar? Having game sense and understanding how to reposition when fighting multiple enemies. I’ve asked many pros and the common answer is "Minh you need to solo squad."
Simple as that. So I started months ago and finally am at a place where I feel confident and can see progress everyday. In this video I break down the strategies I like to focus on when solo squad training. Learn and execute.
I have made it a prerogative to be invited to play in major tournaments by this time next year and the only way to make that happen is to jump in a hyperbolic time chamber and take care of business.
Let's win this game called life.
Live every day at 10 AM PST: https://www.twitch.tv/MINHxDYNASTY
0:00 | Intro
0:38 | Why the Buddy System Works
3:05 | Chess, Not Checkers
5:31 | Putting It All Together
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