Republicans Are "Petrified" That Trump Is Ruining Their Midterm Chances

Republicans Are "Petrified" That Trump Is Ruining Their Midterm Chances

According to new reports, Republicans across the country are "petrified" because they believe Donald Trump is ruining their chances for a Red Wave in November's midterm elections. By injecting himself into races that he has no business meddling in, the former President is putting his name on candidates and making himself the big issue of 2022 - and that's not good because the public still isn't a big fan of his. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

According to political scientist Christopher Mooney, Republicans right now are, as he says, petrified because of Donald Trump's insertion of himself into the 2022 midterm races. And it makes perfect sense too, right? What we're seeing right now is Donald Trump is effectively making these Republican candidates fight for his endorsements. He has recently started to come out with more and more endorsements, which he typically releases via video that look like they're basically being filmed for cameo, but he has done several recently. He wants to do more. He's picked candidates all over the country to challenge Republicans that he views as not loyal to him, everybody from sitting members of the House, like Liz Cheney to governors out there who are not loyal enough, like Brian Kemp over in Georgia, Senate seats. All of these races Trump has injected his name into these races with his endorsements or his handpicked candidates. And see that's where Republicans are starting to get worried. They don't want any of the races in 2022 to be about Donald Trump because they understand that yeah, Donald Trump is still popular with the Republican party.

Fantastic. Wonderful for him. Outside of the Republican party, he is not. Independents do not like him. Democrats obviously do not like him. So when you only have one third of the electorate that says, yeah, we pretty much like you, that's not a recipe for success. And especially with all of the new information coming out about Donald Trump, right? All these potential criminal acts that we're now seeing, with the January 6th committee continuing to move forward. The investigations in New York and Georgia things aren't looking good for Donald Trump. He is a scandal plagued individual that Republicans would prefer not talk about. But instead of being able to ignore him, the RNC of course recently doubled down on their support of him when they censured Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. They said we're the party of Donald Trump. This is who we are. This is what we're gonna do from now on. And normal Republicans, those who just want to be evil and quiet, they don't know what to do now, because now they're gonna find themselves in the unwanted position of having to either defend Donald Trump or him off by saying you don't agree with him.

Saying you're not happy with what he's done. And that's the position that Republicans didn't want to be in, in this year's midterms. They wouldn't have been in it unless Donald Trump personally put himself in the middle of it all, which he has. Republicans were cruising, by the way, to a very easy victory in this year's midterms, easily retaking the House and likely retaking the Senate. Recently, and I know we've still got many months and they're gonna change a hundred times between now and then, but recently the polls started closing a little bit. In fact, some polls actually now show that Democrats have the edge in the midterms. Redistricting was supposed to automatically benefit Republicans at least six seats. That's not happening. All of these advantages that the Republican party had going into this year have evaporated. Now that doesn't mean that they're not gonna win. I don't want to give people false hope. But we're already starting to see things turn around and at least in the poll numbers, a big reason for that is because Trump is making the 2022 elections about him.

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