No Work Day’s at Home, Yaya’s Birthday and Best Gift, Battling Mom Guilt

No Work Day’s at Home, Yaya’s Birthday and Best Gift, Battling Mom Guilt

Happy Birthday Yaya Rea!

I decided to stay home and put work aside for a day to give yaya a break on her birthday. It’s been really busy with work lately, and I’m so thankful for my angels who help me with the kids when I’m gone. Scottie has a complicated relationship with Yaya Rea but I’m hopeful things will turn around. We also got her and my other angels the most practical gift! A Konsulta MD plan which I’m giving away to 6667 of you guys too! Just download the app and use my code KRYZXKMD. No strings attached. Thank you Konsulta MD for your generosity to the skyfam!

I’m so thankful I got to spend time at home with the boys. We went swimming, read books, ate together and played outside. The perfect day! Hubs even got to join us. Sometimes we get caught up in the bustle of everyday life. But when we stop and look up from our phones, life is actually happening right infront of us. I’m thankful I got to stop and look up today.

Lastly, I might have surgery soon! Im so excited about it and I’m crossing my fingers that it pushes through. Will you pray for me?

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