Influencers have been using various social media platforms to find fame and strike it rich for years now. While YouTube and Instagram have given us some of the biggest internet stars throughout the years, the platform everyone is looking to these days is TikTok.
As of 2021, the video sharing platform has over one billion users — a huge amount of dancers, comedians, and makeup gurus just waiting for their big break. While a number of TikTokers have, in fact, become wildly successful, countless others are just on the verge. Unfortunately, some of those future stars have had their lives cut short. Here are the TikTok stars you might not know passed away.
#Tiktok #Stars #Influencers
Timbo the Redneck | 0:00
Ethan Peters | 1:21
Swavy | 2:17
Caitlyn Loane | 3:15
Dazharia Shaffer | 3:57
Read Full Article: https://www.nickiswift.com/494315/tiktok-stars-you-might-not-know-died/