Types Of Foundation | Used in Building Construction | Deep and Shallow Foundation || By CivilGuruji

Types Of Foundation | Used in Building Construction | Deep and Shallow Foundation || By CivilGuruji

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Types Of Foundation | Used in Building Construction | Deep and Shallow Foundation

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In this video Er. Chetan Sharma, Corporate Trainer of Civil Guruji explaining about Types Of Foundation | Used in Building Construction | Deep and Shallow Foundation

Foundation is one of the most important parts of the structure. It transfers the total loads from the structure to the soil and provides stability to the structure. Foundation can be primarily classified into two parts, such as Shallow Foundation and Deep Foundation. They are basically classified depending on the depth at which the foundation is provided.

Shallow foundation and deep foundation have several differences. Sources of main differences between deep and shallow footings are definition, depth of foundation, cost, feasibility, mechanism of load transfer, advantages, disadvantages, types, etc.

Shallow Foundation
Following are different types of Shallow Foundations used in construction:

Individual Footing
Combined Footing
Strip Foundation
Raft or Mat Foundation
Spread Footing Foundations,
Slab-On-Grade Foundations,
Pad Foundations,
Rubble Trench Foundations
Earthbag Foundations

A deep foundation is a type of foundation that transfers building loads to the earth farther down from the surface than a shallow foundation does to a subsurface layer or a range of depths.

A deep foundation is required to carry loads from a structure through weak compressible soils or fills on to stronger and less compressible soils or rocks at depth, or for functional reasons.

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