daddy arataki itto? sorry.
Clip taken from: https://youtu.be/OJMGMVNI0Ok
Channel Emotes made by Melonbread!: https://twitter.com/MelonbreadFBP
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#GenshinImpact #Itto #Arataki
INTRO Music:
The Sims Soundtrack Buy Mode 1
OUTRO Music:
Aurora Area - Kirby's Return to Dream Land
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No, this is not a Tectone rant to Mihoyo. Mtashed is not complaining about the lack of content in the Genshin Impact. Enviosity is not clearing the Spiral Abyss and getting 36 stars overall (congrats Envi!). Tuonto is not teaching us about Jean's full Anemo potential (hi fellow Mondstadt Knight main!). Tony To is not showing us how to clear strong Abyss Heralds within seconds. Bwaap is not playing with us through the game's Story Quests. Akron is not reacting to other Genshin Impact Content Creator. Gratis Status is not actually saving money for Gacha. Or akashoTT saying he loves me. It's just your ya boi Noelle main making bunch of random videos from this game! Thank you guys so much so far for watching my content! This is a dream come true and I hope that we'll be a successful content creator in the near future! Whether it's from Genshin Impact or any other game. Here's to success!