Interview With The Whisperer is a game where you meet a man who has built a radio that allows him to speak with God and it's also a game you can't play anymore (as of June 1st) Video has All Endings
Game Info: https://deconstructeam.itch.io/interview-with-the-whisperer
"We won."
ヽ(・ω・`)----Crummy Personal Links Below This Line----(´・ω・)ノ
My Masculine Patreon: https://goo.gl/e8XfHN
My Cool Twitch: https://goo.gl/neioFL
My Manly Twitter: http://goo.gl/wStB6o
My Chill Instagram: https://goo.gl/8nPFzi
My Weeaboo Manly Steam Group: http://goo.gl/v50fAa
My Comfy Tiktok: https://tinyurl.com/czm4ewbp